What Should You Expect After The PRP Treatment?

PRP treatment is a very effective and highly preferred treatment due to its efficiency. So many people are also undergoing this to enhance their look of hair and appearance. To sustain anything for a long time, you may need some kind of measures and followings. If you’ve completed your PRP therapy session then it’s time to unwind for a few days. PRP treatment in Mumbai is very common due to its effects and affordable PRP treatment cost in Mumbai

The doctor can allow you to return to work if you have a non-strengthening job. But, for the most part, you’ll be following a set of written instructions that the staff will provide you with before you leave. Here is a detailed list to follow after acquiring your PRP treatment for more effective results. 

Why Should You Follow These Measures After Your Treatment? 

Don’t squander your effort and your doctor’s time by failing to follow the guidelines mentioned below. It’s also a good idea to analyse them again and again. You don’t have to memorise them, but it’s a good idea to get to know the main points, so you don’t accidentally offend the pointers. 

 If you do your part to make the procedure a success, PRP hair treatment in Mumbai can be a highly successful medical treatment for a wide range of conditions. Your doctor and their technicians can only do so much, and they won’t be able to track your every move for the next three weeks. That is your duty, and it is a vital one. So, it is necessary to follow these measures to have a better chance of being 100% effective. 

Effective Measures to Follow

  • Do not rub, compress, stroke, or otherwise manipulate the general area where you received injections for at least eight hours after treatment.
  • When you have undergone the best PRP treatment in Mumbai for one week after surgery, take only the drugs you discussed with your PRP doctor. This includes popular supplements like CBD oil and related substances, as well as daily vitamins, fish oil tablets, herbs of all kinds, flax oil, garlic of any type, Aleve, Ibuprofen, and aspirin.
  • For the first three days after the injection, avoid putting ice on the treated region.
  • Keep an eye out for significant temperature variations in your body. Stop extremes of heat and cold and consume large quantities of extremely cold or very hot liquids. Showers and baths that are either too hot or too cold should be avoided.
  • If you plan to add ice to the treated area after three days, note never to use fresh or bare ice. Use cloth-wrapped ice cubes or cloth-wrapped containers instead.
  • Do not shave, bathe, or swim for at least eight hours after the procedure.
  • Don’t use body creams, wear or apply make-up, or apply lotions for six hours after the PRP procedure.
  • After the injection, don’t do any strenuous exercise or jogging of any sort for at least three days.
  • During the PRP care, don’t smoke or drink for three days. In reality, if you smoke, the PRP results cannot be as visible or successful as they are for non-smokers. Additionally, if you smoke, the recovery time will be extended.
  • On the day of the PRP procedure and for about a week afterward, try to drink 64 ounces of water each day.
  • If you experience soreness, swelling, redness, aches, bruises, or other discomforts near the injection site, don’t be surprised. This condition will last for up to ten days after the treatment.

Bottom Line

The foregoing guidelines are generic in nature. Before, during, and after a PRP treatment, you should still do as your doctor wants you to do. The more you follow their advice, the sooner you’ll recover.